Tendering Projects

Some of our work across a range of industries and sectors from the talent behind the Lab!

The new Procurement Act and SMEs: Turn Words Into Actions

Talent Lab can create and improve public sector engagement programmes to deliver on SME targets.

Get ready for opportunities under the New Procurement Act

Talent Lab produces key events to examine the implications of the new procurement act for SMEs and the wider supply chain.

Simplifying your tender journey to successful award

With the new Procurement Act comes a unique chance to improve the process of tendering.

Helping SMEs understand the tendering process

Talent Lab produced a Guide to Procurement for SMEs as part of an initiative that aims to strengthen relationships in the UK construction industry.

Ensuring a global firm achieved success on a must-win framework

A major global infrastructure consultancy needed to win positions on a competitive and highly regulated transport framework.

Demystifying the process to enable first time tender success

Helping a small and innovative education provider overcome compliance challenges to secure a place on a local council DPS.
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